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How to Use Queues

When you are either logging a new ticket or reassigning a ticket you have three options when it comes to the staff assignment. You can assign a ticket to:

  1. A single staff person
  2. A selection of staff people at random
  3. A predefined queue

When you set up a queue you will be asked to associate one or members of your staff with it. Associated members will be notified via email alerts and can view the tickets in the queue from their homepage. When associating staff members with a queue you can configure them as either optional or required.


NOTE: You must have at least one required member of staff.


Required members of a queue will always receive email alerts (based on the rules you have set up in the associated project), whereas optional members can turn these alerts on and off as desired. Queues are configured this way so that regardless of the assignment – Revelation will always be sending an email alert to someone (if the rules require it).


Another way of describing this is that there is no ‘unassigned’ status for tickets in Revelation – whether assigned to a queue or a person – the ticket is an active ticket in the system as soon as it is logged.


Queues can be used to group tickets by helpdesk structure (tier one, tier two, etc.) or by staff specialty (hardware, network, software, etc.). However, you can get creative and use queues as holding pens (awaiting approval, new feature requests, etc.)


Once you have associated a staff person with at least one queue, the ticket monitor display will appear in the left column of their home page. This tool will let them choose which queue’s tickets to view on their home page. It will also let optional members of a queue toggle the email alert function.